Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year and updates

 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. I didn't post last month because I was busy. Christmas was great! and so was new years! It has been kinda dull over here... nothing big happening. Well in 2 weeks or so I am going to winter camp with our church! Im so excited!! School has been good I am getting A's. I don't really have much to say. I don't think i'm going to keep on posting on my blog. Yah thas pretty much it!

Ta Ta For Now

Friday, November 30, 2012

Thanksgiving and everything else!!


   School is keeping me away from the computer!!

OK so Thanksgiving was SO much fun! My Uncle Randy hosted us for Thanksgiving! Just US! I didn't get that full this year but the next day we had all the left overs so I ate a lot the next day. At 11:30pm we went to Kohl's to go BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING!!!  We only went for like a couple minutes because I already knew what I was going to get! I got a BEAUTIFUL dress. I can't wait to wear it to all the Christmas parties and stuff!! I got shoes to go with it too!!

I can't believe it's already or almost the END OF THE YEAR!! It feels just like last week I was celebrating New Years! IT'S CRAZY!! When I think back to last November I'm like WHOA I've changed A LOT!!  


Ta Ta For Now
 hee hee I took that pic!

Monday, October 29, 2012


 OK so I only got one question.......... HAHA. It's from my friend Rachel and she asked, "If I could switch lives with one of my friends who would it be."um...I would have to say my friend Miranda. I would have a sister. Well three.

I had a birthday on Saturday so I'm 15 now. I had such a good birthday!! I went shopping and I found a dress for $3.60 and it's like PERFECT! Oh and Taylor came out with her album on Monday!! I haven't gotten it yet but I will!!

Halloween is coming and I want to know what you are going to be. I'm going to be a bow. I'm helping out for Halloween at our church!

Well that's mostly it!


Ta Ta For Now!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

SCHOOL! and questions. RANDOMNESS

Hey I'm back. Like at the end of the month. :) Well I started school on the 28th of August. School has been going pretty good. The work is REALLY easy this year. The people I go to school with are really nice! I've been having fun! On the 7th we are going on a high school retreat. We get to skip school but we get back on Tuesday.OMG Taylor Swift came out with a new single called "Never Getting Back Together." GO CHECK IT OUT!! Sorry that was really random. But ya school is cool and fun, but our dress code is horrible.

OK So I was thinking of what to do for the next blog and I was thinking to do a question post. So ask as many questions as you want about anything! :) Ive been into a lot of music lately and I've been trying to teach myself how to sing! Just more randomness! I went shopping with one of my friends on Saturday and she had 500 dollars!! We looked like we were in a movie holding all of the bags!! They get really heavy. In the movies they are all wearing heels and stuff and they hold all these bags! Well they get really heavy!!

Well that's pretty much it.


TA TA FOR NOW <3 p="p">

Friday, August 24, 2012


     Well it's been a while but I've been waiting to post because I got my braces off! It's been 2 and a half years! I keep looking in the mirror thinking,"Who is this person?" But it's me!! When they took them off I thought I looked like Bugs Bunny. I was so nervous because I didn't want to get spots or any bad things. LOL! But my teeth are really clean! I still don't believe it's me! Manny said I look better with braces on, but he says he still loves me. :) My friend Krystal wants my teeth. I have to wait one week till I get my retainer. I love love love my new teeth!!

Ta Ta For Now

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Braces are comming off. Wildwood and mission springs.

Hey! It's July!! How was your 4th of July? Mine was so awesome!! Well I'm getting my braces off on August 23! YA. Well this past two weeks we went to wildwood and Mission springs. I met so many new friends!! Wildwood we learned how to be tuned with God. It was an awesome experience but it was a challenge. I didn't want it to be over. Mission springs we learned how to be connected with God. It was more hanging out with friends and having a good family time. It was awesome though!
Well that's kinda it.


Ta Ta For Now


Sunday, June 3, 2012


Ya hoo!! Finished with school!! I have all summer to do..........EVERYTHING!! I am probably going to be posting a lot more because i finally got my OWN computer!!

 I am so excited for this summer!! I love the heat, the dresses, the pool, and hanging out with my friends.
So what are you going to do for summer?

Did you know lol and haha are the most used text??

Would you rather get bit my a bug on your lip or on your butt??

So much randomness!! GO JAPAN!!

Well I'm going to go now!

Ta Ta For Now

p.s.  Yes I did finish the books..... all of them! SO AWESOME. GO HG