Monday, April 25, 2011


Hey Did you have a good Easter? I kinda did...... Well I know its not about the candy but I still like chocolate on Easter. Well I'm here to write about MUSIC ahhhh i love music. : ) oops i dazed off.
Well music is ALMOST my life the rest is like you know other stuff. My favorite kinda music is the kind that you can just get up and dance to. And not be embarrassed by your friends. My favorite singer/song writer is Taylor Swift. Even though she doest write hip hop songs she is still my fav!! Thanks to my friend Jamie. luv ya. Well i advise you go to Target and pick up one of her Cd's. Then you will be awesome.
Well see yalls yalls later

and then you know ya ya
you know the rest.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


OMG Its almost Easter!!!! my fav time of the year!!! Just wanted to wish you a happy Easter!!!
Im with my cousins so cant blog for long.


ta ta for now

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chapter four of my dream story.

Hey everyone I am finally doing my story. Here it is.

Leaving off in a strange situation isn't that very good idea. So I'm continuing the story. Here it goes.

     Maria was in bed that night thinking a lot about that boy and the woods. That night Maria got up and looked through the book that she got from Miss Courtney’s house she took it with out Miss Courtney knowing. She looked and she looked hopping she would find something interesting.

      There was only one picture in the book. It had three girls and one little boy they had one book cover in the middle and the girls and the boy all held a page but they were all going separate ways. One girl with long brown hair with big brown eyes like a puppy dogs face and she had a pink gown and roses and had a crown up on top of her head, she was going north up to a mountain full of people and cities. Then going east was a girl with long long black shiny hair beautiful brown eyes, she also had a crown, she was going toward a patch of hearts like flowers r something. Then there was another girl with long long long I mean really long blond hair she had a tiny tiara on her head and a dress like a summer dress it was green and had yellow spots on it she was heading west in that area was a white chair and some trees and white grass. The there was a boy sitting down with the paper in his hand there was a whole bunch of papers around him, he was very skinny and he looked like he just got out of the pool are something.

     She was trying to figure out what it was about and who were those people, so she looked through a couple of other pages. Then she heard foot steps. It was her mom and another person coming close to her door. So she closed the book and got her covers over her and pretended she was asleep. She heard her mother say to the lady,” Oh sorry Maria is asleep.” Maria exhaled and thought who that was, but she was getting a little bit tired so she closed her eyes and went to sleep.   

Hey tell me how you like it.


Ta Ta For Now

Friday, April 1, 2011

Catching up with all u peoples & texting

HEY EVERYONE I'M BACK FROM BEING SICK again....... :( "sigh" Ya sorry that I haven't been bloging lately. stuck with homework, friends, being social, drama. You know teenager stuff. oh and I forgot texting that's one of the things that I have been doing a lot. I do a lot a lot of texting I've been doing it so much my mother had to take it away for the night and the afternoon well until I get homework done. Ya ya i know I'm a very naughty girl......... but I just wanted to blog again. and FYI one of those things that I've been stuck with is NOT boys. hahaha

Ta Ta For Now.

p.s my next blog is gonna be somthing good.
Hint: continue of my dream story.