Delina got some snow out side of the cabin and woke up G.G. Maria was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. The only thing that came out of her mouth was ," It's Haunted!" Delina looked at Maria then at G.G. she said, "NO your just kidding with me!" " No i am not kidding." Maria said in shock. " Well if it isn't haunted we should look around for clues or a trap door or something" G.G. said. " Hey how about the pencil that wrote on the book maybe it has something to do with this." G.G suggested. So Maria, Delina, and G.G. went over to the book the words that were written was " Oh my gosh my head hurts alot i just wish that it would go away." It was the exact words that Maria had said before this all happened. " Delina you wish for something" Maria suggested. " OK I wish that i had a Droid phone." Delina wished. Sparks flew then the pencil started to write. It wrote," OK I wish that i had a Droid phone." G.G. fainted out of shock again, Maria and Delina looked at each other in shock again. Then that second Delina got a Droid phone. Delina was so happy she was texting all her friends. G.G. woke up from the sound of clicking of the keyboard on the phone. " G.G. you wish for something!" Maria said. " OK i guess i will wish for....well i wish for.... but should i wish for it?" "Wish for what!?" Maria and Delina asked. " OK i wish that i won't faint when some one makes a wish" G.G. said. Then sparks flew and the pencil wrote, " OK i wish that i won't faint when some one makes a wish" G.G. did NOT faint, and Maria and Delina were so so so so happy. They could all wish any time they wanted it was like a dream. So Maria, Delina, and G.G. wished all day long. It was getting dark outside so the decided to go home. When Maria walked out the door her head ache came back and all that she wished for was gone. When Delina walked out her phone turned into her regular phone and every thing that she wished for was gone. When G.G. walked out she fainted and all the thing that she wished for was gone too. Maria, Delina, and G.G. were all puzzled. So it was time to take a little visit to Miss.Courtney's house. When Maria, G.G. and Delina were walking home G.G. asked," Is it really haunted?" " No its magical." Maria replied. The three Girls were walking home in the glowing sunset going on in there life wondering what else they can wish for, but what they didn't know was what they were going to wish for.
The End of chapter two
ta ta for now
~ T I double G ER that spells TIGGER.
Love the new look of the blog and the story! Keep it up... awesome!