1. My favorite website is www.brothersgalore.blogspot.com
2. My favorite thing to do is sit down an crochet.
3. I hate doing my laundry. Who doesn't?
4. My favorite place to hang out is my own front yard.
5. I love going to parties. My friend she is having hers on Sunday.
6. I babysit this little girl across the street. She is so cute.
7. One thing i really like to do is go to awana. Its so fun you get to see your friends and help other people. You guys should look into it.
8. Reading is like horrible for me. I do love books, but not when i have to read them my self.
9. I do like writing books, but so does my brother. I don't want to compete with though.
10. One of the things i really don't like to do is pick up my room. ugh its horrible!!
So there you have 10 more things you know about me.
ta ta for now
& have a nice day.