Hey everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS. Haha!!! I love Christmas all the colors, food, family presents, dresses, and most importantly the Birth of Jesus Christ!!
These day everyone looks on santa, presents......... but I look at it as going to Jesus's birthday party!!
Hope you all know what the true meaning of Christmas is.
Im going to tell you the real story of Christmas. Here it goes.
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us."
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written: "'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'" Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him."
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up," he said, "take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him."
So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."
When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, "Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead."
So he got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: "He will be called a Nazarene."
--Matthew 1:18 - 2:23 New International Version
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Would you rather.
Hey hey hey since Thanksgiving is coming up im gonna do some Thanksgiving would you rathers. :)
Would you rather
1. Wear yellow or orange to a Thanksgiving party?
2. Eat the turkey or nothing at all?
3. Bring salad or beans and rice?
4. Go hang out with your family or go to a party for thanksgiving?
5. Answere these questions or not???
haha I wanna see you all post your answeres.
Ta Ta For Now
Would you rather
1. Wear yellow or orange to a Thanksgiving party?
2. Eat the turkey or nothing at all?
3. Bring salad or beans and rice?
4. Go hang out with your family or go to a party for thanksgiving?
5. Answere these questions or not???
haha I wanna see you all post your answeres.
Ta Ta For Now
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Hey everyone. I'm so so sorry for not posting anything for like 3 months. The computer didn't want me to go on but my dad fixed it. :) So now I'm blogging again!! ha ha.
So a Lil update.
In September I started volleyball.(and school but that's not exiting)
In October volleyball ended and i turned 14.
In November I'm Posting again!!
Hope you like my Lil post.
Ta Ta For Now
So a Lil update.
In September I started volleyball.(and school but that's not exiting)
In October volleyball ended and i turned 14.
In November I'm Posting again!!
Hope you like my Lil post.
Ta Ta For Now
Thursday, August 25, 2011
My Essay on why I Should have Facebook,
I did an essay on why i should have Facebook. Hope you like it.:)
My Essay
Why I Should Have Facebook.
I am going to give your four good reasons why I should have Facebook. The first reason why I should have facebook is whenever there is a youth group plan you can find it on Facebook. The second reason why I should have Facebook is that I can plan things with all my friends are get info from them. The third reason why I should have Facebook is when I like a company I might get discounts. The fourth reason why I should have Facebook is that I can interact with people far away.
Examples for reason one.
Example one: When there is a group party for real to real and they say you can find it on Facebook it has so much info then having them email it to you. (plus it’s lame)
Example two: Say I’m looking on Facebook and I see that instead of real to real at the warehouse it’s at the bowling alley. If I didn’t have Facebook I would have gone to the warehouse instead.
Examples for reason two.
Example one: When everyone is not answering there phone there probably doing something else are there on Facebook. So if I want to plan a party I could just post it on Facebook.
Example two: Jessica is having a party at her house on Thursday but I can’t go because were doing something else that day. At least I knew I was invited to something.
Examples for reason three.
Example one: “Hey look I can like Forever 21” I exclaimed, “cool! Look I got a discount!!”
Example two: When you like a company you might get discounts and you can save more money from parties to SHOPPING.
Examples for reason four.
Example one: I can interact with Tia Esther even though she lives far away. I can see what’s up with Tommy and the family. When they post up pictures and videos we can see them.
Example two: When Tia Esther, Abuelo, Rebecca, Cindy, and the whole other crew comes into town we know when they are coming.
There are your four reasons why I should have facebook. There are so many possibilities and responsibilities when you have facebook. I can block my info from people who are not my friends and I don’t have to put any big info ether. I really want a Facebook account. So I really hope you enjoyed my Essay on Why I Should Have Facebook.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Youth group leaders
Hi everybody I'm back!!! I wanted to post something about my youth group leader. She is Supah awesome but she is leaving tomarrow to Washington (I think) I just wanted to wish her safe travels. She is super awesome (but she probably already knows that) haha.
My other youth group leader she just got back from school and she is so awesome too.
I pray for everyone that is leaving going back to school and have safe travels.
Ta Ta For Now
But u already knew that.
My other youth group leader she just got back from school and she is so awesome too.
I pray for everyone that is leaving going back to school and have safe travels.
Ta Ta For Now
But u already knew that.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
More would you rather questions!!!
Hey everybody how was your 4th of July??
Ok here are some more would you rather questions:
Would you rather
Eat a grape off of someones tounge r run around saying I'm a lady hear me roar.
Would you rather have a pink purse are a blue purse
Would you rather love are hate
Would you rather have a baby boy are a baby girl
Whats worse teenagers are babies?
Ok I hope you like them!!
Ok here are some more would you rather questions:
Would you rather
Eat a grape off of someones tounge r run around saying I'm a lady hear me roar.
Would you rather have a pink purse are a blue purse
Would you rather love are hate
Would you rather have a baby boy are a baby girl
Whats worse teenagers are babies?
Ok I hope you like them!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Being Board
Hey everybody!! I'm just going to ask a couple of questions and post your answer.
Ok here they go.
would you rather.
take a shower in freezing cold water for as long as you want or take a shower with hot water for about 2 Mins.
peanut butter with jelly sandwich or peanut butter with syrup sandwich
pink or yellow
bees or butterflies
pwez answer
Ta Ta For Now
Ok here they go.
would you rather.
take a shower in freezing cold water for as long as you want or take a shower with hot water for about 2 Mins.
peanut butter with jelly sandwich or peanut butter with syrup sandwich
pink or yellow
bees or butterflies
pwez answer
Ta Ta For Now
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Hi everyone I'm back!!! I have been growing allot. I mean allot allot. Between me and my bub we've probably eaten my mom and dad out of there home. ha lol. I'm 5 feet 2 inches now. I'm so exited!!
I'm trying to work on my story more so expect a new story soon.
well thats really it.
Ta Ta For Now
I'm trying to work on my story more so expect a new story soon.
well thats really it.
Ta Ta For Now
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Sick of SCHOOL & clothes
OK for me I'm almost done with the school year! Only 6 more days. I am so sick of school. (you can tell by the title) I am counting the day till the end. Comment if you are. I can't just can't wait. Ive been doing so much homework. I mean i just cant wait. (i think you get the point)
Well another thing i wanted to tell you......................... I spent over 200 dollars on CLOTHES. It was so awesome!!! I got 6 dresses 1 suit a bathing suit and 2 shirts. I love clothes and i bet every lady/ girl that is reading this likes clothes 2. Well that's it. I'm completely board too.
pwez comment
oh and tell me how you liked the gir page.
Ta Ta For Now
Well another thing i wanted to tell you......................... I spent over 200 dollars on CLOTHES. It was so awesome!!! I got 6 dresses 1 suit a bathing suit and 2 shirts. I love clothes and i bet every lady/ girl that is reading this likes clothes 2. Well that's it. I'm completely board too.
pwez comment
oh and tell me how you liked the gir page.
Ta Ta For Now
Monday, May 9, 2011
Foster sister
Hey by the title you might be thinking OMG she got another one but no we did not. I was just remembering this was the day we lost Mari our foster sister. ;( Last year we got her and she went away in 3 weeks. I know it's sad. Then last year right after we lost her i went to Arizona and i got my mind off of her so ya it was a pretty bad year last year but this one is better.
well my dad is telling me to get off so you know t.t.f.n
Ta Ta For Now
well my dad is telling me to get off so you know t.t.f.n
Ta Ta For Now
Monday, April 25, 2011
Hey Did you have a good Easter? I kinda did...... Well I know its not about the candy but I still like chocolate on Easter. Well I'm here to write about MUSIC ahhhh i love music. : ) oops i dazed off.
Well music is ALMOST my life the rest is like you know other stuff. My favorite kinda music is the kind that you can just get up and dance to. And not be embarrassed by your friends. My favorite singer/song writer is Taylor Swift. Even though she doest write hip hop songs she is still my fav!! Thanks to my friend Jamie. luv ya. Well i advise you go to Target and pick up one of her Cd's. Then you will be awesome.
Well see yalls yalls later
and then you know ya ya
you know the rest.
Well music is ALMOST my life the rest is like you know other stuff. My favorite kinda music is the kind that you can just get up and dance to. And not be embarrassed by your friends. My favorite singer/song writer is Taylor Swift. Even though she doest write hip hop songs she is still my fav!! Thanks to my friend Jamie. luv ya. Well i advise you go to Target and pick up one of her Cd's. Then you will be awesome.
Well see yalls yalls later
and then you know ya ya
you know the rest.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
OMG Its almost Easter!!!! my fav time of the year!!! Just wanted to wish you a happy Easter!!!
Im with my cousins so cant blog for long.
ta ta for now
Im with my cousins so cant blog for long.
ta ta for now
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Chapter four of my dream story.
Hey everyone I am finally doing my story. Here it is.
Leaving off in a strange situation isn't that very good idea. So I'm continuing the story. Here it goes.
Maria was in bed that night thinking a lot about that boy and the woods. That night Maria got up and looked through the book that she got from Miss Courtney’s house she took it with out Miss Courtney knowing. She looked and she looked hopping she would find something interesting.
There was only one picture in the book. It had three girls and one little boy they had one book cover in the middle and the girls and the boy all held a page but they were all going separate ways. One girl with long brown hair with big brown eyes like a puppy dogs face and she had a pink gown and roses and had a crown up on top of her head, she was going north up to a mountain full of people and cities. Then going east was a girl with long long black shiny hair beautiful brown eyes, she also had a crown, she was going toward a patch of hearts like flowers r something. Then there was another girl with long long long I mean really long blond hair she had a tiny tiara on her head and a dress like a summer dress it was green and had yellow spots on it she was heading west in that area was a white chair and some trees and white grass. The there was a boy sitting down with the paper in his hand there was a whole bunch of papers around him, he was very skinny and he looked like he just got out of the pool are something.
She was trying to figure out what it was about and who were those people, so she looked through a couple of other pages. Then she heard foot steps. It was her mom and another person coming close to her door. So she closed the book and got her covers over her and pretended she was asleep. She heard her mother say to the lady,” Oh sorry Maria is asleep.” Maria exhaled and thought who that was, but she was getting a little bit tired so she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
Hey tell me how you like it.
Ta Ta For Now
Friday, April 1, 2011
Catching up with all u peoples & texting
HEY EVERYONE I'M BACK FROM BEING SICK again....... :( "sigh" Ya sorry that I haven't been bloging lately. stuck with homework, friends, being social, drama. You know teenager stuff. oh and I forgot texting that's one of the things that I have been doing a lot. I do a lot a lot of texting I've been doing it so much my mother had to take it away for the night and the afternoon well until I get homework done. Ya ya i know I'm a very naughty girl......... but I just wanted to blog again. and FYI one of those things that I've been stuck with is NOT boys. hahaha
Ta Ta For Now.
p.s my next blog is gonna be somthing good.
Hint: continue of my dream story.
Ta Ta For Now.
p.s my next blog is gonna be somthing good.
Hint: continue of my dream story.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
HEY everyone!! I'M back from being sick. :(
I have a shirt that said B+Positive= be positive. Here is the picture.
I got it from my grandma, when my aunt's sister was getting treated for cancer. I think its pretty cool, and I like the way that its all rebus like. You can read my aunt's blog at www.bepositivemom.com
I have a shirt that said B+Positive= be positive. Here is the picture.

I am just guessing, but I think that's why my aunt did her blog, but I don't know.
well t.t.f.n
Ta Ta For Now
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Banana bread & Flowers.
HI!! Hope you all had a very nice Valentines day! I got flowers from my daddy!! Here is a picture of it.

Oh i made my first Banana bread!! It was good!!

Hope you all had a great Valentines Day!!!
Ta Ta For Now
Oh i made my first Banana bread!! It was good!!
Hope you all had a great Valentines Day!!!
Ta Ta For Now
Thursday, February 10, 2011
For once I am taking for once I am taking a break from the story for a while.
Well I made my first SCRAPBOOK! YA!! It's so awesome. I had my brothers in there and my friends, family, things. I love it!! Well just wanted to write something new.
Well you know what i say.
Ta Ta For Now
~ T-I-double-G-er
Well I made my first SCRAPBOOK! YA!! It's so awesome. I had my brothers in there and my friends, family, things. I love it!! Well just wanted to write something new.
Well you know what i say.
Ta Ta For Now
~ T-I-double-G-er
Friday, February 4, 2011
chapter three of my dream story.
After school Maria, Delina, and G.G. paid a little visit to Miss Courtney's house. G.G. knocked on the door. Then a little boy came to the door. He was about 12, tall, and very very skinny. He looked surprised and screamed "MISS COURTNEY!!" Miss. Courtney came running. She didn't know what to say but she said calmly," Hello Maria,Delina, G.G. what brings you here?" "Well we went to the..." Delina stopped G.G. before she could say anyting. " What she ment was can we come in for a bit we need to talk to you about school." Delina replied as fast as she could. " OK then." Miss.Courtney said while she let them in.
" I have a question why can't we go into the white woods?" Maria said. " Well there is this thing.."Miss.Courtney was saying when G.G. interrupted. " You better tell the truth because we went in there and we saw a house and we went in it and we got all the things we wanted then it disappeared when we went out. So start talking!" G.G. rudely interrupted. " WHAT!" "Ha ha! She is just joking. We would never go into the White Woods," Maria said nervously. " Well I see that you did go into the White Woods, but what I will tell you is that the house was made by a boy named Michael Azura. He was a very smart kid. He knew where to find the magic pixie dust," Miss. Courtney said.
"Well to tell you the truth we did go into the White Woods and all that G.G. said was true." Maria said. " Well I forgive you, But there is something I'll give you. It's this book all about the White Woods and all the things in it. There was a map but it's missing a page." Miss Courtney said with a fake but realistic smile. " OK then this is our secret you may not tell anyone or anything." Miss Courtney said like when a book report was due.
"OK! But I have one question. Were is Delina?" Maria said. " What!" Delina answered. "Where are you?" G.G. asked. "Over here in the kitchen!" Delina said. Maria, G.G., and Miss Courtney went over the to the kitchen were Delina was at a table with a whole bunch of food, and the skinny boy was serving her."
Well could we stay for dinner?" Maria said "Ha ha! Yes you may." Miss. Courtney said with a laugh. "Tomorrow is a new day" Maria heard in her head as she was sitting down. "I wonder if Miss.Courtney has anything to do with the White Woods?" Maria thought in her head as she was picking up a apple. " Well i can't wait to see what lies in the deep White Woods" Maria said. " I don't know. but I can't wait either." Delina replied.
Ta Ta For Now
~ T-I double G -ER that spells TIGGER.
" I have a question why can't we go into the white woods?" Maria said. " Well there is this thing.."Miss.Courtney was saying when G.G. interrupted. " You better tell the truth because we went in there and we saw a house and we went in it and we got all the things we wanted then it disappeared when we went out. So start talking!" G.G. rudely interrupted. " WHAT!" "Ha ha! She is just joking. We would never go into the White Woods," Maria said nervously. " Well I see that you did go into the White Woods, but what I will tell you is that the house was made by a boy named Michael Azura. He was a very smart kid. He knew where to find the magic pixie dust," Miss. Courtney said.
"Well to tell you the truth we did go into the White Woods and all that G.G. said was true." Maria said. " Well I forgive you, But there is something I'll give you. It's this book all about the White Woods and all the things in it. There was a map but it's missing a page." Miss Courtney said with a fake but realistic smile. " OK then this is our secret you may not tell anyone or anything." Miss Courtney said like when a book report was due.
"OK! But I have one question. Were is Delina?" Maria said. " What!" Delina answered. "Where are you?" G.G. asked. "Over here in the kitchen!" Delina said. Maria, G.G., and Miss Courtney went over the to the kitchen were Delina was at a table with a whole bunch of food, and the skinny boy was serving her."
Well could we stay for dinner?" Maria said "Ha ha! Yes you may." Miss. Courtney said with a laugh. "Tomorrow is a new day" Maria heard in her head as she was sitting down. "I wonder if Miss.Courtney has anything to do with the White Woods?" Maria thought in her head as she was picking up a apple. " Well i can't wait to see what lies in the deep White Woods" Maria said. " I don't know. but I can't wait either." Delina replied.
Ta Ta For Now
~ T-I double G -ER that spells TIGGER.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Chapter two of my dream story
Delina got some snow out side of the cabin and woke up G.G. Maria was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. The only thing that came out of her mouth was ," It's Haunted!" Delina looked at Maria then at G.G. she said, "NO your just kidding with me!" " No i am not kidding." Maria said in shock. " Well if it isn't haunted we should look around for clues or a trap door or something" G.G. said. " Hey how about the pencil that wrote on the book maybe it has something to do with this." G.G suggested. So Maria, Delina, and G.G. went over to the book the words that were written was " Oh my gosh my head hurts alot i just wish that it would go away." It was the exact words that Maria had said before this all happened. " Delina you wish for something" Maria suggested. " OK I wish that i had a Droid phone." Delina wished. Sparks flew then the pencil started to write. It wrote," OK I wish that i had a Droid phone." G.G. fainted out of shock again, Maria and Delina looked at each other in shock again. Then that second Delina got a Droid phone. Delina was so happy she was texting all her friends. G.G. woke up from the sound of clicking of the keyboard on the phone. " G.G. you wish for something!" Maria said. " OK i guess i will wish for....well i wish for.... but should i wish for it?" "Wish for what!?" Maria and Delina asked. " OK i wish that i won't faint when some one makes a wish" G.G. said. Then sparks flew and the pencil wrote, " OK i wish that i won't faint when some one makes a wish" G.G. did NOT faint, and Maria and Delina were so so so so happy. They could all wish any time they wanted it was like a dream. So Maria, Delina, and G.G. wished all day long. It was getting dark outside so the decided to go home. When Maria walked out the door her head ache came back and all that she wished for was gone. When Delina walked out her phone turned into her regular phone and every thing that she wished for was gone. When G.G. walked out she fainted and all the thing that she wished for was gone too. Maria, Delina, and G.G. were all puzzled. So it was time to take a little visit to Miss.Courtney's house. When Maria, G.G. and Delina were walking home G.G. asked," Is it really haunted?" " No its magical." Maria replied. The three Girls were walking home in the glowing sunset going on in there life wondering what else they can wish for, but what they didn't know was what they were going to wish for.
The End of chapter two
ta ta for now
~ T I double G ER that spells TIGGER.
The End of chapter two
ta ta for now
~ T I double G ER that spells TIGGER.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
My dream story.
One day i had a dream. It was a dream about three girls, Maria, Delina, and G.G../Gelisa. Maria and Delina went to the same school. G.G. went to a different school because she was 4 years younger. There schools were back to back so G.G. could vist them after school. So one day after miss.Courtney ( Maria and Delina,s teacher.) read the class a story about the white woods Maria and Delina made up there minds and decided to go into the white woods with G.G. but G.G. said it wasn't a good idea because Miss.Courtney said it was haunted with ghosts and goblins and ogers and stuff. Maria was a stubborn little girl and wasn't going to give up the chance to go into the white woods. Later that evening after they studied they went inside the white woods. G.G. and Delina were closing there eyes the whole time but not Maria she was deter mend to find at least one ghost. They heard noises behind the trees and in the bushes. It was easy to see because there was snow all over the place even in the summer time. She saw a figure about as tall as Miss.Courtney. She thought it was a ghost so she went over and got her bag and jumped for the thing she hit something and got knocked out. The next thing she knew was that in front of her friends in a little cottage. The floor was wood and there was only one room and in that room there was a little fire already lit, a rocking chair that was still warm, and a desk with a light and a notebook with a pencil like someone was going to write in it. Maria asked her friends," Were am I did I die and went to heaven because i got it by that object and now i am in my dream house!!" " no no you got knocked out by a tree then we found this little hut and we thought nobody was home so we went into here but inside the fire was already on and the chair felt like it was already sat on but from the outside the lights were off." Delina Said. " Oh my gosh my head hurts alot i just wish that it would go away." Maria wished. All of a sudden sparks flew and the pencil on the table started to write. Then Maria's head ache went away. The Three girls looked at each other in shock. G.G. fainted out of shock, Delina was walking around the room saying " Its haunted Its haunted OMG OMG" Maria just sat there in shock. Maybe it was haunted.
Hey if you guys liked this first chapter comment and i might make another chapter.
ta ta for now
~ T I double G Er that spells TIGGER
Hey if you guys liked this first chapter comment and i might make another chapter.
ta ta for now
~ T I double G Er that spells TIGGER
Monday, January 10, 2011
Video Games/ HARD
Yesterday i tried to be one of the "boys" and play call of duty. Boys must be completely different animals cause i do not see how they play these kinds of things. They say its easy but when you have to look,aim,shoot and move it gets kinda complicated. When they tell you to pick up something the most logical thing in my mind would be to crouch and pick it up... but NO "you have to press the x button" easier said than done! so there i am spending the whole day with my gun up in the air and twirling like a ballerina. at least somethings in this game make sense:) For all the girls out there who can roll with there brothers i give you my respect.... not really.
ta ta for now.
ta ta for now.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I dont know why but i like kittens alot better that puppies. but i like dogs better that cats.
just wanted u all to know.
just wanted u all to know.
I love all type of clothing as most of you know. I just got 3 pairs of pants yesterday. I love them!!
i got jeans, pink sweats,and purple corduroys!!! Oh and i got these supper supper i mean supper cute slippers they r so so so so cute. I LOVE THEM!!! Oh and from my grandma i got this robe she made it herself. from my other grandma i got this super super super cute dress. its like green and sparkly its for Christmas.
i got jeans, pink sweats,and purple corduroys!!! Oh and i got these supper supper i mean supper cute slippers they r so so so so cute. I LOVE THEM!!! Oh and from my grandma i got this robe she made it herself. from my other grandma i got this super super super cute dress. its like green and sparkly its for Christmas.
but i still don't understand why my brothers are so jealous i mean were girls we CANT live without a million pairs of clothes or without a million pairs of shoes. i mean come one.
ta ta for now
Friday, January 7, 2011
Hey everyone. ITS ME!!! I just wanted to thank all of you for commenting and stuff and just being in my life. I am going through ALOT this time of year and my age so just wanted to thank you for making my day.
Ta Ta For Now
Ta Ta For Now
Monday, January 3, 2011
OK for all you peoples you know i have a bigger brother. Well lately he has been stuck up and so INNOYING!!!! Well if any of you peoples have innoying older brother i feel your pain. But dont even get me started about my younger brother. but thats another story.
Ta ta for now
Ta ta for now
Teenage DRAMA
Well as you all know I am a teenager now and life can get pretty tough. Like today..... Well if you really want to know the story here it goes. I got up this morning i didn't feel so right. Then when i got down stairs my brother was moving our old couch ( because we got new ones.) out for his friend so i couldn't go down stairs because i was in my pajamas. Then i was fine till like 12:00 then my mom got this new math program (and i really don't like math) so i just didn't like it and totally melted down. Then later my brother (MJ #1) started teasing me about how emotional i was. So i did not like that so i basically stayed in my room for like 2 hours.
then i calmed down and said sorry to my mom and stuff. so ya cant wait for more to come.
ta ta for now
then i calmed down and said sorry to my mom and stuff. so ya cant wait for more to come.
ta ta for now
Sunday, January 2, 2011
NEW YEAR and christmas.
Hey everybody. Did you have a great Christmas? Well I did. It was the best CHRISTMAS ever!!!
Well its the New Year and i don't have a new years resolution. I don't really think i should have one,
but HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2011!!! And don't forget when u see me sign my poster!! I do one every year well i started last year. On my wall of my bedroom i have the wall of years. So ya its pretty cool.
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ta ta for now
Well its the New Year and i don't have a new years resolution. I don't really think i should have one,
but HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2011!!! And don't forget when u see me sign my poster!! I do one every year well i started last year. On my wall of my bedroom i have the wall of years. So ya its pretty cool.
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ta ta for now
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